ENGRID is a very good free meshing tool for OpenFOAM which has outstanding abilities to create flawless viscous layers, a continual and current problem still present with the standard SnappyHexMesh tool which comes with OpenFOAM.
I`ve made a YouTube video to show the meshing, and how to put this mesh into an OpenFOAM case (Pilzdaily) and run it.
YouTUBE Video on RUNNING in OpenFOAM v7
To download the STL file for ENGRID, click below:
You can download the OoenFOAM case files I used to create this below.
To download and install ENGRID 1.5 for Windows, follow this LINK.
(Sadly at the moment as ENGRID needs some funding for updating, the LINUX install is quite involved so for now I recommend using in Windows for test purposes.)
If you want a clear record of the workflow used in the ENGRID setup, you can download an EXCEL sheet with the steps I used in the video.